
Plugins that extend WPGraphQL functionality

    WPGraphQL Rank Math

    Adds WPGraphQL support for Rank Math SEO. Built with WPGraphQL Plugin Boilerplate.

    WPGraphQL for Ninja Forms

    This free plugin exposes forms created by the Ninja Forms plugin to the WPGraphQL Schema and allows for the forms to be submitted via GraphQL Mutations.


    This plugin configures your WordPress site to be an optimized source for Gatsby

    WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields

    This FREE plugin exposes fields from Advanced Custom Fields (Free and Pro) to the WPGraphQL Schema allowing you to interact with data in ACF fields via GraphQL Queries.

    You can learn more at https://acf.wpgraphql.com

    WPGraphQL for WooCommerce

    WooGraphQL, the powerful extension plugin that seamlessly integrates WooCommerce with WPGraphQL, bringing the best of e-commerce to the GraphQL world! Unlock the full potential of headless e-commerce and build lightning-fast, scalable, and flexible online stores with WooGraphQL.

    Discover the future of e-commerce development with WooGraphQL!

    WPGraphQL JWT Authentication

    This FREE plugin enables you to authenticate to WordPress using a GraphQL login mutation and get JWT tokens in response and use to make authenticated requests to WordPress.

    WPGraphQL for Custom Post Type UI

    This FREE plugin adds settings to Custom Post Type UI allowing you to set which Post Types and Taxonomies registered by CPTUI should display in the WPGraphQL Schema.

    WPGraphQL for Yoast SEO

    This FREE plugin from @Ash_Hitchcock exposes data managed by Yoast SEO to the WPGraphQL Schema, allowing for your SEO data to be used in your headless applications.

    WPGraphQL Tax Query

    This FREE plugin filters the connections for Posts and Post Types to allow for advanced querying by taxonomy filters.

    A feature like this will be in core WPGraphQL soon, but for now you can use the plugin.

    WPGraphQL Meta Query

    This FREE plugin filters the connections for Posts and Post Types to allow for advanced querying using meta filters.

    Querying by meta can be dangerous, do this feature will likely not be in the core plugin, but if you need it:

    WPGraphQL Enable All Post Types

    This FREE plugin from @DalkMania automatically adds ALL registered post types to the WPGraphQL Schema

    WPGraphQL for Carbon Fields

    This FREE plugin from @matepaiva exposes fields registered using Carbon Fields to the WPGraphQL Schema

    WPGraphQL Enable All Post Types

    This FREE plugin from @tylbar automatically adds ALL registered post types to the WPGraphQL Schema

    WPGraphQL MetaBox Relationships

    This FREE plugin from @hsimah adds support for the http://MetaBox.io Relationships field to WPGraphQL (when also using his wp-graphql-metabox plugin)

    WPGraphQL Polls

    This FREE plugin from @andrenosouza allows you to interact with data from the WP-Polls plugin via GraphQL Queries and Mutations

    WPGraphQL MB (MetaBox)

    This FREE plugin from @DalkMania adds all registered metaboxes using http://MetaBox.io to the WPGraphQL Schema.

    WPGraphQL Google Schema

    This FREE plugin from @izzygld261 adds Google Schema support to WPGraphQL

    Total Counts for WPGraphQL

    Total Counts for WPGraphQL

    This FREE plugin from @builtbycactus exposes total counts to connections in the WPGraphQL Schema

    WPGraphQL for Metabox

    This FREE plugin from @hsimah exposes fields registered using the popular http://MetaBox.io to the WPGraphQL Schema.

    WPGraphQL Offset Pagination

    This FREE plugin from @enshrined adds basic offset pagination as opposed to the standard Cursor based pagination that ships with WPGraphQL.

    WPGraphQL Cors

    This FREE plugin from @kidunot89 and @byfunkhaus claims to enable authentication with WPGraphQL to “just work” by allowing you to set CORS headers that GraphQL will accept, which means WordPress default auth cookies can be accepted.

    WPGraphQL for FacetWP

    This FREE plugin from @hsimah exposes filters on WPGraphQL queries to allow for faceted search with FacetWP

    WPGraphQL WPML

    This FREE plugin from @rburgst extends the WPGraphQL schema with language data from the WPML plugin. In addition it turns off WPML default filters in order to be able to iterate over all posts regardless of language.

    WPGraphQL Polylang

    This FREE plugin from @esamatti and team at @ValuDigital extends the WPGraphQL schema with language data from the popular Polylang plugin.

    WPGraphQL Lock

    This FREE plugin from @esamatti and team at @ValuDigital enables query locking for WPGraphQL by implementing persisted GraphQL queries.

    WPGraphQL for BuddyPress

    This FREE plugin from @RenatoNascAlves exposes BuddyPress data to WPGraphQL

    WPGraphQL Persisted Queries

    This FREE plugin from @qz adds the ability to use Persisted Queries with WPGraphQL.

    WPGraphQL Meta

    This FREE plugin from @robertorourke exposes meta registered via the WordPress register_meta API to WPGraphQL

    WPGraphQL for Posts 2 Posts

    This FREE plugin from @KellenMace of @harness_up automatically creates GraphQL connections for all of your Posts 2 Posts connections.

    WPGraphQL for Gravity Forms

    This FREE plugin from @KellenMace of @harness_up exposes @gravityforms data to WPGraphQL, allowing you to query for forms, fields, entries, and more.

    WPGraphQL Gutenberg

    This FREE plugin from @pristas_peter exposes Gutenberg Blocks to the WPGraphQL Schema, allowing blocks to be queried with GraphQL!

    WPGraphQL for SEOPress

    This FREE plugin from @moon_meister exposes data managed by SEOPress to the WPGraphQL Schema, allowing for SEO data to be used in your headless applications.

    WPGraphQL Send Email

    This FREE plugin from @Ash_Hitchcock allows you to send emails via a simple mutation. Includes the abilitty to restrict sending to trusted origins.

    WPGraphQL Content Blocks

    This FREE plugin from the folks at QZ.com exposes a way to query HTML content from WordPress Posts and Pages as “Blocks” (not related to Gutenberg) to bring more structure to your queried content.

    WPGraphQL Dad Jokes

    This FREE plugin allows you to query random Dad Jokes using GraphQL! This wraps the icanhazdadjoke.com REST API and was created mostly to demonstrate how to build WPGraphQL Extensions.