
Denver WordPress Developer Meetup Workshop Follow Up

In preparation for the Workshop I’ll be doing at WordCamp Orange County next weekend, I hosted the Workshop for the Denver WordPress Developer Meetup to get some practice.

I learned a lot about how I need to have my files organized for the workshop and learned what steps I can skip to get through the “important” steps within the allotted time.

If you attended and have feedback, please share. I’m far from a seasoned professional when it comes to public speaking and hosting workshops, so any feedback is welcome.

Anyway, below are some links from the Workshop:

I plan on updating the Tutorial series to have a video walkthrough for each step to compliment the written tutorial, so keep an eye out for that in the next few weeks.

There’s also a wp-graphql slack organization if you’re interested in discussing the plugin more: (if that link doesn’t work message me and I’ll invite you to the Slack org).